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Celebrating Our Filipino Staff: Ian Aguirre

Posted 10/30/2023

October is Filipino/a/x American History Month, a designated time of year to honor the diverse and vibrant community of over four million Filipinos in...

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People clapping in celebration of someone at an event with balloons
Celebrating Our Filipino Staff: Michelle Umadhay

Posted 10/23/2023

Did you know that there’s a Filipino American behind Blake House, Seattle’s first affordable high rise in over 50 years? October is Filipi...

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Plymouth Housing staff award winners pose for a photo with the executive director
2022-2023 Mission Awards

Posted 09/15/2023

Last month, Plymouth Housing staff gathered to celebrate the 2022-2023 Mission Awards, our annual ceremony to recognize exceptional staff who have gon...

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Behavioral Health Care: A Key Element to Ending Homelessness

Posted 08/15/2023

Obtaining a safe, permanent home is only one step in a journey toward leaving homelessness. When people feel a sense of emotional and mental well-bei...

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Vote To Approve Prop. 1: Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy

Posted 07/26/2023

Karen Lee—a U.S. Army veteran and CEO of Plymouth Housing—shares why King County voters should vote to approve Proposition 1, the Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy. Plymouth Housing is a leader in permanent supportive housing, with a more than 95% success rate of helping people leave homelessness behind permanently.

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Artist at work painting on mural in the entryway of a residential building
Meet Molly Keen: The Eastside Native Beautifying the Walls of Plymouth Crossing

Posted 07/06/2023

In July 2023, Plymouth Housing’s first development outside of Seattle will open its doors. Located adjacent to Interstate 90 in Bellevue’s Eastgat...

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A group of people posing together outside in front of a red wall holding red signs for an essential workers demonstration.
Plymouth Housing Unveils Strategic Plan for 2023–2025

Posted 06/21/2023

Plymouth staff in this past fall advocating for livable wages for people in the frontlines of homelessness work. At Plymouth Housing, we dream of a fu...

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Plymouth Stories: August

Posted 06/21/2023

Plymouth Housing has provided August with the health support and sober-living environment she needs to keep her wellness in balance.

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Bearded man wearing baseball cap smiling while sitting at work station with computer
Plymouth Stories: Walter

Posted 06/21/2023

During his eight years at Plymouth, Residential Services Specialist Walter has seen both complex challenges and reason to hope.

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Support King County funding measures to help us end homelessness in our region

Posted 04/12/2023

Working together, two King County funding measures will improve health care access for current and future Plymouth residents and provide funding to ex...

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