Do you need housing?
Plymouth Housing works alongside King County Regional Homeless Authority’s Coordinated Entry (CE) system in combating homelessness. CE decides who is eligible for housing referrals, then connect those individuals to Plymouth or another housing provider. Plymouth is not able to accept referrals outside of CE and we do not have a waitlist. The first step for somebody seeking housing is to fill out an assessment at a Regional Access Point. CE will then use the assessment to decide if the applicant gets a housing referral.
If you’re experiencing homelessness in Seattle, please call 206-328-5900 and make an appointment with Catholic Community Services. If you are experiencing homelessness in another part of King County, use this link to find out which phone number you can call. The link also has additional resources for young adults (ages 17.5 to 24) and veterans who are experiencing homelessness in King County.