Step into a world of wonder—where emerald lights shimmer, pink bubbles float through the air, and a yellow brick road leads you to an unforgettable night!
Whether you arrive channeling the elegance of Glinda, the mystery of Elphaba, or simply in your finest cocktail attire, you’ll be in for a night of excitement and community spirit. While Pop Some Tops is hosted by Plymouth Housing’s young professionals board, this is an event for everyone—all are welcome to join in the magic!
The Promoters of Plymouth (PoP) Ambassador Board is a dedicated group of advocates working to ensure everyone in our community has a safe, stable home. Plymouth Housing provides permanent supportive housing to nearly 1,400 people in King County, helping our most vulnerable neighbors rebuild their lives with the stability and care they need.
Follow the yellow brick road to a night of fun—and a future where everyone has a home.