In the first weeks of 2025, we have never felt more committed to the value and importance of Plymouth Housing. In a time where it can be difficult to find common ground, it is reassuring that our commitment to ending homelessness is shared by so many.
Across partisan lines, from all ideological identities, Plymouth’s diverse community of staff, board, and supporters is united around a shared belief in human dignity. Working together, we can continue to help our most vulnerable neighbors leave homelessness and receive the support and care they need to thrive.
Here’s just some of what we accomplished together with our supporters’ help in 2024:
- We housed nearly 1,400 single adults through permanent supportive housing and an additional 1,000 people through permanent rental assistance, which allows individuals and families to access safe, stable homes throughout our region.
- We opened the Plymouth Supply Center on Third Avenue, a brand-new storefront where residents can “shop,” free of charge, for home goods and other essentials that make their apartments feel like home.
- We provided residents thousands of nutritious, ready-to-eat meals per week, addressing the critical need for food security.
- We rehabilitated the historic Pacific Apartments in downtown Seattle, which will be ready for occupancy beginning in spring 2025.
- We committed to operate permanent supportive housing out of a former Kirkland hotel—part of King County’s innovative Health Through Housing program.
- We received a land transfer from the City of Redmond to develop a new building, which will house 100 formerly homeless individuals and connect them to wraparound services.
- We hosted powerful events for our community—including Plymouth’s annual Key to Hope luncheon, which gathered more than 1,100 members of our community last September, raising upwards of $1.6 million.
- We kicked off another year with our Promoters of Plymouth (PoP) Ambassador Board—young professionals who volunteer and host Plymouth events—engaging the next generation of leaders in our mission.
Working together, we can achieve the future we want to see: one where no one in our region has to spend winter outside in the cold; and everyone has the safe, warm, and stable home that they deserve.