Support King County funding measures to help us end homelessness in our region
Posted April 12, 2023

Working together, two King County funding measures will improve health care access for current and future Plymouth residents and provide funding to expand affordable housing in our region.
Do you care about the homelessness crisis but aren’t sure where to start? Today, we’re sharing two ways you can get involved. Please vote “approved” on The Crisis Care Center Levy—and advocate for the Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy, which will build more housing and provide additional services across the county.
If you care about equity and want to protect vulnerable neighbors in our community, these are great initiatives for you to support. Learn more about how to take action below.
The Crisis Care Center Levy
How to get involved: If you live in King County, you should have received your ballot. Vote “approved” by Tuesday, April 25.
This measure will benefit anyone who experiences a crisis and needs access to health care.
- The Crisis Care Center Levy will raise $1.25 billion over nine years to create five crisis care centers throughout King County to serve people in crisis.
- Plymouth’s residents—and many others who currently or previously experienced homelessness—would benefit and be able to use the centers.
- People would be able to access care immediately, and at a reduced cost on community resources. (More costly alternatives include the emergency room or legal system.)
- This levy would provide more inpatient beds for those with behavioral health needs—restoring the system’s capacity to 2019 levels.
- And most important to Plymouth—and other housing providers—this levy will invest in equitable wages for the people working at the crisis care centers amid historic labor shortages.

The two King County levies will impact people who have previously experienced homelessness such as current and future Plymouth Housing residents.
The King County Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy (VSHSL)
How to get involved: The King County Council is currently reviewing the VSHSL proposal and welcomes public comment. Sign up to testify at the meeting on Monday, April 17. Or, contact your King County Council Member to make your voice heard.
The current 10 cent levy proposal raises $564 million over six years. Plymouth encourages you to ask your council member to support a higher level of 15 cents for a total value of $847 million over six years. This would be the strongest proposal to support human services needs, veterans, and seniors.
For nearly 20 years, military veterans and their families, senior citizens, people experiencing homelessness, people dealing with domestic violence, and others have received government and nonprofit services and programming through this levy. Now, the levy is up for renewal and the current proposal of a 10-cent levy is anticipated to support 45 fewer units (which is now supporting 1,923 homes).
As Crosscut recently reported, “Affordable-housing and homelessness advocates are sounding the alarm: If the levy is renewed at the same rate, it would pay for less affordable housing construction and operations than the existing levy, because construction and program costs have gone up so much.”
The homelessness crisis is one of the biggest challenges we face in our region today. But none of us are powerless. Today, you can be a part of the solution when you advocate, vote, and stand up for our shared values. Together, we can work toward a future with hope and dignity for everyone.