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Creative Measures of Hope

Posted April 15, 2020

By Chan Boswell, Plymouth staff

Like many other organizations both locally and globally, Plymouth has stood witness to the realities that Covid-19’s toll has taken on our communities. Through the darkness, we’ve captured glimpses of refracted hope and grasped unto the unity that materializes from collective grief and isolation.

Though there’s been a lot of changes in the way Plymouth’s community is able to interact, both residents and staff have found unique ways to stay connected, demonstrating Plymouth’s commitment to uplift each other and preserve the dignity of our diverse population.

“You read about all the things happening in the news, but not too much has changed about the nature of our job,” says Stephen, Housing Case Manager from the Pacific Apartments. “We’re still supporting tenants, following safety protocols and helping folks through tough times as best we can.”

The Pacific is using collaborative visual arts to engage tenants with some staff joining in while others have taken on role of Art Advocates by distributing supplies and coloring books to the residents. Here’s Michael getting in on the fun:

In both the spirit of tradition and social distancing, Plymouth Place has kept their monthly Open Mic Night alive by strumming and singing with residents while delivering daily meals!

As our time apart extends and we navigate unknowns, Plymouth’s community continues to offer hope as a reminder of the mutual humility and compassion we hold for one another.