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Comcast Cares Day is Plymouth’s Largest-Ever Volunteer Event

Posted May 10, 2019


On Saturday May 4, Comcast Seattle and Plymouth Housing came together for Comcast Cares Day, an annual event in which Comcast offices partner with community organizations around the nation to create service opportunities for Comcast employees. This year, 150 people volunteered for Plymouth through Comcast Cares Day activities, making it the largest volunteer event Plymouth has ever had. Many Comcast employees brought their family and friends out to join in for the day; we even had a family of 8 participate.

Volunteer projects took place in eight of Plymouth’s 14 buildings. There, volunteers served meals, cleaned hallways and kitchens, painted rooms, revitalized community gardens, and ran games of bingo. In preparation for Comcast Cares Day, volunteers also got together the day before to complete two additional service projects: assembling dozens of welcome baskets for future Plymouth residents and over 100 care kits for women residents.

By the end of the day of service, volunteers had served hundreds of meals, created almost another 1,000 ready-to-go meals, revitalized four community gardens, and cleaned dozens of stories of downtown building space. On top of that, of course, are the impacts that can’t be put into numbers. Volunteers had the chance to learn about the lives of Plymouth residents, and the work Plymouth does for them. And simply having volunteers in the building let many residents know that they are valued in the greater Seattle community.