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2013 Annual Report: The lives you helped build.

Posted July 21, 2014


In 2013, Plymouth helped 1,111 men and women turn a safe, permanent home into a secure, stable life. That’s because we dig deeper. Our support is assertive, comprehensive, and available 24/7. And in each of our 13 buildings, residents partnered with us to foster companionship, creativity, health, and community. The elements of a life.


Paul Lambros and Stewart Landefeld_ web

Plymouth’s executive director Paul Lambros (L) with 2014 board president Stewart Landefeld.

One of the best parts about putting together our Annual Report is that it gives Plymouth staff a great reason to come together and talk about our work in a unique way. This year, like every year, the conversations were firmly rooted in the lives of the men and women who live here.

After listening to her colleagues share stories of inspiring tenants, one staff member said, “Plymouth creates an investment in stability; even tenants who hadn’t lived anywhere else for more than a few months fight hard to stay here. And they stay here for years.”

Another responded, “It’s because we dig deeper. As we demonstrate our investment in the tenants, they step up, too. Personal things that connect to their spirits—photos, books, art— appear in their apartments. They join activities and connect with neighbors. What we’re all saying is, people build lives here.”


And with that, we had the theme of the report.


In 2013, Plymouth helped 1,111 men and women turn a safe, permanent home into a secure, stable life. That’s because we do dig deeper. Our support is assertive, comprehensive, and available 24/7. Like our housing, there’s no time limit. The path to a stable life is different for each person, so our tenants receive services tailored to their specific needs and goals.

Last year, we offered intensive support to new tenants who had been homeless for many years, easing what is often an overwhelming transition from the streets to permanent housing. People with serious medical and mental health conditions, those fighting addiction, and veterans dealing with post-traumatic stress all received specialized services. Tenants who had worked hard to achieve sustained success with round-the-clock support were offered a rewarding growth path to more independent living.


Plymouth focuses on meeting the complex basic needs of our tenants, but we also nurture their spirits. In each of our 13 buildings last year, residents partnered with us to foster companionship, creativity, health, and community. The elements of a life.


AR 2013 Cover



Click here to read our 2013 Annual Report. We hope you’re inspired by the outcomes you made possible and the lives you helped build.



Best Regards,

Paul Lambros, Executive Director

Stewart Landefeld, President, 2014 Board of Trustees