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Support Plymouth Residents this Holiday Season

Posted October 27, 2011

Many of our residents cannot afford to purchase food, hygiene and household items, making the holiday season especially difficult to enjoy. Please consider making in-kind donations this holiday season to support our residents through the winter.

Thanksgiving mealYou can help provide our residents the fixings for a delicious Thanksgiving meal. We will need donations of cooked turkeys and hams, casseroles, stuffing, rolls and butter, mashed potatoes, and of course, pies delivered to a Plymouth residence on Thanksgiving morning. While you are making your own dinner, why not add an extra turkey, pie or side dish that you can donate to Plymouth residents to have a nice Thanksgiving meal?

We will coordinate with you to deliver your food donation on Thursday morning, November 24 at one of our buildings.

Please help us stock our Essential Supply Center. We especially need household items including kitchen and bath towels, twin-sized bed sheets, pots and pans, can openers, cleaning supplies, and non-perishable foods.

You can also spread the holiday spirit with donations of winter hats, gloves, scarves and socks. These items will be given to our residents as gifts during our annual Resident Holiday Party on Thursday, December 8.

To donate to our Thanksgiving meals, Essential Supply Center or Resident Holiday Party, please contact Diana Argeres at 206-374-9409, ext. 146 or email dargeres@plymouthhousing.org today!