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Plymouth advocates the funding of the WA State Disability Lifeline

Posted May 4, 2011

Plymouth Advocates for Disability Lifeline

From left to right: Reverend Rick Reynolds, Operation Nightwatch; Dan Wise, Catholic Housing Services; and Tara Connor, Plymouth Housing Group Policy Director presented a letter and basic needs items to each senator to advocate funding the Disability Lifeline.

Many Plymouth residents live on less than $360 per month with assistance from Washington’s Disability Lifeline assistance to make ends meet. Disability Lifeline (formerly called General Assistance Unemployable or GA-U) is a state-funded program that provides cash and medical benefits for persons who are physically or mentally disabled and unable to work. Unfortunately, the Legislature is debating cuts to the Lifeline that would significantly reduce or eliminate our resident’s income altogether.

Disability Lifeline is truly a lifeline. Almost 10% of Plymouth’s residents use their cash assistance for essential supplies such as hygiene products, vital medications, rent and food.

Plymouth is working hard to preserve the Disability Lifeline. Plymouth Policy Director Tara Connor recently traveled to Olympia with Reverend Rick Reynolds of Operation Nightwatch and Dan Wise of Catholic Housing Services to communicate the need for the Lifeline directly to Washington State Senators. They presented an item to each Senator that recipients of the cash assistance will no longer be able to buy if the benefit is cut—soap, feminine hygiene products, toilet paper and toothpaste—and a letter advocating the need for the cash grant for the survival of our residents.

To send a message to your legislators to fund the Disability Lifeline, call 1-800-562-6000 or visit http://www.leg.wa.gov.